Settle we go!
A couple months ago we were contacted by a friend that had a friend who found out she was pregnant...she wasn't sure that she wanted to even look into adoption but as time went on she asked our friend more about it. When she found out about us and that we were wanting to adopt she asked if we could meet...of course we were super excited to meet her even though we knew that she might be keeping her baby. We had a great night with her and our friend and by the end of the night we felt like we had known her all our lives (I mean we found out we share a love for the Minnesota could you not be good friends after that!). She had told us that night that she was really going to think it over and pray about it and that she had a date in mind that she would make her final decision. The night she called will be a night I won't ever was a Tuesday night and I was on my way home from work when she and our friend called me. She told us that night that she had prayed about it and really felt a peace about her decision and she wanted Jon and I to adopt her baby! I wanted to cry I was so happy! She has truly given us the best gift...we keep reminding her about that :) We have since gotten together a few times and we really like to spend time with such a short time we have really developed a love for her and I think she likes us too (is that right Rebekah?!?!). As I blog about her and our baby I'll probably refer to her as our birthmom or Rebekah (which is her middle name) 'cause that will help in identifying who I am talking about but also keep some privacy for all of us :) If that's okay with all of you...thanks...I knew it would be :) So say that we are excited is an understatement...we are over the moon and already so in love with this baby that will grace us with his or her presence in the beginning of September (September 12th is the due date)...and yes...I did say him OR her because we do not know the sex of the baby yet...Rebekah asked us if we wanted to know and we told her that it was whatever she wanted...she told us that it was our baby and our decision so we said that we wouldn't mind being surprised and so she didn't find out :) The ultrasound looked great and so far baby has had a strong heartbeat. Everything looks to be going perfect! We just ask that you all keep baby in your prayers that he/she will continue to develop healthy and strong and we ask that you pray for an easy pregnancy for our birthmom (that would be nice huh Rebekah?!?!). Thank you all for your prayers and for being excited for us as well...and what is our saying?!?! Yep...God is good...all the time! Here's a sneak peak at babybug! (I call Natee...Nateebug so I thought it was only appropriate to call baby... babybug until he or she gets their name!) :)