I can't believe we are already a week past the 4th of July...doesn't that mean that summer is half over?!? That can't be! We had a very good 4th...it wasn't as hard of a day like it was last year (if you remember my post from last year)...it was rainy that day but we still went to the parade and Natalee loved her first parade :) It's been fun taking her to stuff for the first time...and I know next year when she really "gets" it it will be even more fun! After the parade went to Jon's parents house and hung out...we all wanted pizza that night and wouldn't you know...all the pizza places were closed for the holiday (as they should have been...we just didn't think about it!)...so we ended up having frozen pizza...'cause Cub wasn't closed! :) And then we went to town and watched the fireworks and got eaten by mosquitoes...Natee loved the fireworks....she just sat in awe of them. And yes...while there really should have been four little sets of feet this 4th of July, we are just so grateful that we have this one really cute set now :)
And if you are a friend of mine on Facebook you might already know that I had a gallbladder attack that 4th of July night that took me to the ER around 2:30 on the 5th...we got home from watching the fireworks and I felt like my stomach was really tight...then I started getting this intense pain that would not go away. I laid in bed forever until I finally got out my laptop to try to get my mind off of the pain and get some sleep...well it didn't work...so after it didn't let up and I had Webmd(ed) it I finally came to the conclusion that it must be my gallbladder and I would head to the ER to see if I could get some relief and just make sure that it wasn't something more serious. Once we got there the pain started to subside and I thought about turning around...but Jon said that I woke him up so I was going in :) It was gallbladder and they gave me some pain pills in case the pain came back and told me to head to my doctor during the week sometime and get it checked out. So at 5 a.m. I finally crashed into bed...I tell you...I don't like being up for 22 hours straight...makes Ali one sleepy and cranky girl! :) Luckily Natee was a very good girl and she was sleepy herself...when she woke up in the morning she took her bottle and went back to sleep until 10:30 herself...so nice! I have had one more attack this week...didn't seem as bad but I also didn't wait to take that pain pill either :) I have an appointment to see a surgeon this week to discuss my options...I really don't want to have surgery but I also don't want to leave it in there if it's going to cause major problems...they told me the stones could become infected...does anyone know if this is true? My sis-in-law says there is some stuff I can take that may dissolve them...so I might try that. Anyone else have any advice for me regarding gallbladder issues?
Well I don't have any pictures from the 4th of July yet because I left my camera in the car...so you'll just have to make do with some other pictures of Natee for now. Here they are:
Here's Natee looking like a big girl! She's really starting to sit up on her own and not tip over too much...it's so fun to see...pretty soon we can do some more fun pictures outside! :)
Well we hope that you have a good week...I'll jump on here if I have anything worthy of blogging about! :) Until then...as Natee would say...tata for now :)
She is so beautiful!! Do you guys get 'she looks just like her daddy' comments? Because she does! Our son is adopted (biologically he is kin to me, but not my husband)...but we get those comments from people when we are out all the time--that he looks just like his daddy..and what's weird is he really does look like him!
She looks like such a happy baby! Enjoy every little second-they grow up so stinkin' fast! I miss the chunky-monkey, slobbery days! My baby was a little chubsters too, now he's almost 4. And where I am so tickled by all the new things he says and does, I miss the little days when I could snuggle and rock him without him stuggling to get down:-)Blessings to you!
My gallbladder advice, get it out! I waited over a year to go to the doctor and get mine out and it was horrible!! The surgery was really, really quick, and I was up and moving in a couple days. If you've had a bad attack, you'll have more. I tried to figure out what caused mine, like too much garlic, high fatty food, etc, but it was always something different. Don't wait!!
I LOVE Natalee's sloppy kisses!!
Grandma Annie
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