Thursday, February 25, 2010

1 Month Old

Happy 1 Month Birthday Natalee! Isn't she just cute!
This shirt is so old! Correct me if I'm wrong mom, but I think that this was my shirt when I was a baby...I know I for sure used it on my dolls growing up but I think it was orginally mine (or maybe Sam's)...I came across it while going through some things and I think it's a perfect shirt for Natee to wear!
This is a bear that I have been waiting to use...I bought it years ago after Christmas at Bath and Body Works for really cheap! I think it was $25 (originally $250 I think)...I've been waiting to use it for my kids someday so I see how much bigger they've gotten from month to month :) She still looks pretty little compared the the bear but she's starting to fill out! I got her on the Wii the other day and it said she weighed 9 lbs! I don't know if it's accurate or not but it's probably pretty close!
Here's Natee trying to be a big girl! She thought she should show mom how she can sit up! Not kidding...I really had to push her back to get her to relax and lay down :) She is so strong!
So sorry for the lack of posting! And I was doing so well! Rats! Nothing too new around here...just still getting use to each other :) Can you believe that Natalee has been in our lives for a month now?!? I can't! Next week I'm really going to try hard and get a lot of pictures on here because I have a lot to show you...but for now I hope you all enjoyed these! Oh...and we've been told that the birthmom picked a date to sign the papers...March please be praying that all goes smoothly. If she does sign that day and does not back out the adoption part for her will be finalized on March 23rd....after that day she cannot change her mind and Natalee is ours! So thanks in advance for the prayers! Well take care and we'll chat later!


Emily Proctor said...

goodness sakes, sitting up an all! she looks like she's getting so much bigger. LOVE the bear you have! what a good idea. You are such a good mommy. make sure and get your rest (take it from me!)

PS don't you just little girl stuff!?!

Michelle M. said...

She is so adorable! I'll be praying that everything goes smoothly for the adoption. Oh, and I love that big bear- it is huge!

possemom2 said...

She is just too cute! Britt says I need to get up there soon to meet her before she gets too big. Natee must be going to have abs of steel the way she is holding herself up.

Melissa said...

Oh my she is just adorable. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Brittney said...

I have the cutest niece! I love that picture with the bear - she looks sooo tiny!

Anonymous said...

Hey -- I am SO HAPPY for you two - well three!!! And Natalee is absolutely beautiful. The pictures, the little shirt, the bear - just special, everything, as are you! May God continue to bless you family. March 9 and 23 -on my mind for sure!
love always, mary