Wednesday, August 4, 2010

6 Months Old!!!

Can you believe that I'm writing those words?!?! I can't! How can my baby be 6 months old already?! She's growing up too fast...pretty soon I'll be planning her wedding...okay...maybe not...but it sure does feel like time is flying by awfully fast! Natalee is doing really good. She sits up by herself very well now...she likes her cereal at night...she loves being outside and she loves her little pool...and she rolled over last night (!!!) from her belly to her back so I think she's going to get the hang of it soon! She has started to do this little thing where she looks at you...holds her breath and then lets out this little squeal/haha's so cute! She was a very good girl while I recovered from my surgery but I think all that has thrown her schedule off a bit...that and we just went out to Colorado (I'll have to write more on that later) this weekend for my friend Jennie's not being in her own bed for two nights have made for two bad nights at home already...oh well...she'll get back into her routine I'm sure...she sure is taking some nice naps maybe I'll get better at blogging! :) Well I think I'll wrap this up for now so I can go get something else done before she wakes up. I hope you enjoy her 6 month bear pictures...can you just see how big she is's been fun looking back on all the other ones to see how much she has grown! Have a great week!


Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!

Kendra said...

Yay! Happy 6 months Natalee!

The Athearns said...

Happy half birthday Natalee!! She is so so so cute!!! :)

possemom2 said...

She sure was cute Friday night! We had the best time on our "date" with her!She was such a good girl. Sorry you couldn't come but next time!

Meghan said...

She is adorable. Wow 6 months, it hardly seems possible, but my little guy is 10 months next week.

carrie said...

She is sooo cute!! Love it... Just keep these close to your hart. They grow up so fast.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I look at my baby now and try to remember back when she was tiny. They really do grow fast.
Love that BIG bear. Makes a nice arm chair for your baby :)