I don't know about where you live but up here in Minnesota it is starting to feel like Fall! Yea!! But that got me to thinking...I'd better do a few summer recap posts (I was only going to do one but then I found so many pictures and thought that this one would get too long...so I'll save your eyes some and break them up!) since I am such a bad blogger and haven't updated in forever...I think if I ever start another blog the name or title of it should be Bad Blogger...just to give everyone a heads up before they invest in reading :) hahaha! Thanks for sticking with me and understanding that I am not finding the time to blog that I would like to right now...I tell you...this is such a busy age...all you moms and dads know that...and people can tell you that...but until you've experienced it yourself you can't even begin to understand how busy these little people can be...but it's oh so fun and oh so rewarding! Anyway...on to the first recap...
One of my clients had baby bunnies so she called me up when they got to the "cute" stage...Natee had a blast being in the little pen with them and loved that she could hold them...my client and her daughter were so nice and let Natee handle them...even though sometimes she was not very gentle! :) And now...one of these bunnies (don't ask me which one) lives next door to us...our neighbors ended up buying one and so Natee is so happy to be able to go over to it's cage and just say "hi hi hi" over and over again...
We were able to take a little getaway to Brainard this summer...not as long as we would have liked it to be but we were able to get out on the water when we got up there...Natee loves the water and loves to be out on boats....she's a true Minnesota girl! We actually went up there to have a mini-family reunion with my dad's side and boy am I sure glad we were able to do that...I'll write more on it later but at the end of August my grandma ended up passing away unexpectedly...I'm so glad that we were able to get one more family picture together...and again...that's one of my other posts so I'll say more on that later.
At the end of August our friends Anna and Owen got hitched! It was a beautiful outdoor wedding at their home...Anna was such a beautiful bride...I wished you could see more of her dress in this picture...it was so pretty...it was definitely a dress made for her :) And Natee was such a good girl at the wedding and she busted loose once the music started...she definitely has a little rhythm in her bones...she's so funny to watch and it was funny to see how many of the people wanted her to dance with them...we even threw her in the middle of a circle and they all clapped and she went running out...too cute!
She was all ready to go with her purse around her arm...she just cracks me up some days...and makes you realize how much they really do watch you! She knows that momma can't leave the house without her purse!
Well hopefully you enjoyed this first recap...more to come....
Well hopefully you enjoyed this first recap...more to come....
sweet princess
Can't wait for re-cap #2! Love the purse photos!!
Big hugs,
Grandma Annie
so sweet! Ali I love your hair in the wedding pic.
The other morning here in Ohio it felt almost like winter! haha! It was a crisp 45, very early in the morning@
sweet princess
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