Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's up!

Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that the Bible Study blog is now up! It still needs a little tweaking...so I'll be doing that as time goes on but for now...I think it's a good start! We will be starting tomorrow (Wednesday) but we're going to take it slow at first so if you don't see this post for a little while...then just know it's not too late for you to join in! Okay...so here's the address:


I really didn't want to name it that...I didn't want it to have my name in it at all because I just don't feel like it's my thing...I think it's for all of us...I just happen to be the one who got it up and going...but...would you know...there are a lot of blogs out there...and every name that I tried someone already had that blog! So...I thought...why not...at least it would be easy for you all to remember since all my other blogs have started out with Feldman (feldmanbaby...feldmancrew). So there you have it. Hope to see you over there as well!

Also, I'd like to answer the couple questions that I got from my last post:

Q: Can you adopt just from Minnesota or can you adopt from anywhere in the US?

A: Yes...we can adopt from anywhere...we completed our homestudy so that makes us able to adopt anywhere domestically. Now if we get a baby through the agency then that baby will be from Minnesota (most likely) but no, we are able to adopt from anywhere else in the U.S. We would just need to find a lawyer in that state to represent us...different legal stuff in different states and our lawyer from MN isn't able to practice out of state. So..good question...if anyone knows of anyone looking to give up their baby for adoption, we are willing to travel :)

Q: Does your scanner scan 12x12?

A: I wish! No...actually the pages I did for the adoption scrapbook had to be 8x8 (my first time scrapbooking that size...usually I do 12x12) so they fit perfectly on my scanner. I do know that they have scanners that size, but unfortunately mine isn't...I would like to do the same thing and back up some of my scrapbooks!

Well I guess that's it...I'd better run and get ready for work! Have a great day!

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