Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Little Housekeeping

Okay...maybe that title should be what I should be doing instead of writing this post but oh I go anyway:) I have a few things I have been meaning to get on here so I'm going to do that tonight...first off I wanted to showcase my sister-in-law Britt's artwork that she has done for us this past year. She is very talented and even has a website that you can check out and if you want her to do any artwork for you! I'd definitely check it out...she's very affordable and very talented! How about a pencil drawing of your kids, or a new wall hanging for your living room...okay...I'm done plugging for her but seriously...check her out! Here's the work she did for us...we love them both:

This is the one we got for Mother's and Father's Day from both Sam and Britt and my mom and dad...isn't that a sweet picture...our kids...walking with Jesus right now...I can just picture it...and then one day...they are going to come running to us...give us a great big hug and kiss...and then grab our hands and take us to meet Him...what a good day that will be!
This is the picture I had Britt do for Jon for Father's depicts that God has us all in His hands...Jon here on Earth...and all our babies with Him in Heaven...a very comforting thought!

Second order of business....remember when I asked awhile back if anyone had any questions about the adoption stuff...well...Britt was the only one to ask but I still haven't gotten her answers on here they are:

Q: Do you think you'll be there for the delivery? I suppose it depends on the birth mom's preference, but do a lot do that?
A: I don't you said it will depend on what the birth mom wants. Sometimes they invite the couple in...I know one of my clients was right there to witness the birth of their baby girl, but other times they are just more comfortable with their family and friends with them...if that is the case they will put us in a room (or so we've heard) and bring the baby to us after he/she is born. We don't care either way...on one hand it would be really neat to be in there to witness the birth but we also don't want to make her we'll just wait and see what happens:)
Q: How soon after they are born do you get to take them home?
A: Well the baby usually will have to be kept at least overnight if not two nights to be monitored and make sure they are doing alright but then they are free to go home, so most likely we will be able to take them home from the hospital when they are discharged. That is how it is usually done now days, unless a mom takes a baby home intending to raise him or her herself and then changes her mind and puts them up for adoption...but most now days go home from the hospital with you...which is really exciting!

Also...this isn't a question Britt had but I thought I'd throw it out here the baby goes home with you but the mom has to wait 3 days until she can even sign the paperwork that she is giving her baby up for adoption...but she has 60 full days to sign it. Once she does sign the paperwork it then takes 10 working days (or 14 full days) for it to become legal. Once those 14 days are up the baby is yours and she can not come back and try to get him or her back. So...I think until those days are up we will be a little bit nervous...we will be so happy and excited but I think in the back of our heads we'll be wondering if she's going to change her mind. So we are praying that she will want to sign right away, but they tell us that's not usually the case and to not worry if it takes her awhile...she's probably not changing her mind but it's probably a scheduling thing or she can't get a ride or she's plain just not feeling that great (she just had a baby you know!) and that she'll get to it eventually. case any of you were wondering...that's it...
Q: If you decide to adopt multiple times, do you do the paperwork and meetings again, or is that all a one-time deal?
A: The paperwork is a little less, but yes there is still paperwork. You have to do all the background checks again...just in case you committed a crime since the last time you filed :) Also, you do have to do your homestudy's once a that means if we still haven't gotten picked by June of next year we need to do the homestudy part again and get that all up to's not quite as expensive but it still does cost a bit. So...let's all pray for a if we weren't already:) I don't think you have to do the meetings so that will keep the cost down a little more the next time around. They say that it is a little easier the second time we'll see...

Okay...question and answer time over...let me know if you have any more :) And now...the third order of business...I'm going to start doing installments of my scrapbook pages...there are too many to do in just one or two posts so...check back for new's the first few:

Page 1
Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Page 5

Page 6

Page 7

Page 8

Page 9

So...what do you think? I like how it came out...the colors are obviously better in person, but I thought the scans came out alright.
And my last order of business...the blog for the Bible Study will be up and running next week (hopefully Monday) so check back here and I'll let you know all the details. I'm very excited for this and for the chance to connect with you all that want to participate! I hope you all at least come on over and check it out once :) So...more detail on that next week!
Well...I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week...I'm back at work after vacation last week and let me tell you...I am busy! It's so nice to feel wanted! So...take care and I'll chat with you later!


Stephen and Michelle said...

I love your scrapbook...I think it looks AMAZING!

Courtney said...

I second Michelle's comment! I absolutely LOVE your scrapbook! Makes me want to work on mine...that I still need to start...just not enough time :( Oh well...I love it & I am praying that a mommy will choose you two....I know if I saw your scrapbook & was in that situation..I'd pick you :)

Have a great day!

Meghan said...

Great job on the scrapbooking!! I have tried to take pictures of my pages before and they just do not do justice. I do not have a scanner otherwise I would post some pics. We will continue to pray for a baby for you and Jon. We know God has a special plan for your lives, I cannot wait to see what it involves.

Candie said...

The scrapbook looks gorgeous!! I am so far behind on the kids' it's pitiful. Did you use your cricut machine for the letters? We are praying for that special woman and her baby to be brought into your lives soon. It would be awesome if you had a baby by Christmas. I have an adoption question...Are you only allowed to adopt in Minnesota or can you adopt from out of state?

Brittney said...

Thanks for answering my questions! I love learning more about the process... now I'm just praying for everything to go smoothly and hopefully soon as well!

Hope you are having a good week!

Angie said...

Do you have a scanner that scans that big of a page? I assume you are doing 12x12? I'm just interested because I have a lot of scrapbooks that I'd like to have a "backup" copy of.

admin said...

love your scrapbook! Great job! I scrapbook too, so I know how time consuming it is! :)

Praying for a baby for you(s)!